This study is to look into the Haesunmang fishery which was prevalent in the Western Sea of Korea from Chosun dynasty to 1994. Haesunmang fishery is forced not to continue its operation any longer by the structural adjustment policy of on-and-off shore fisheries of Korea government in 1994. This study covers the abolishment background, historical review, and operation situation of haesunmang fishery, production method, processing method, distribution channels, and consumption patterns of product, and its profit and cost records. The subject area of this study is Chollanam-do where the most fishing vassels had been operated in Western Sea of Korea. Recently, many kinds of fishery continually disappear according to the fishermen's own will or environmental situation due to the rapid changing of internal and external environment of Korean fisheries. At this point of time, it is acquired greater importance to have much more concern about them in view of historical science than at any time.
I. 머리말
II. 해선망 어선의 감척배경
III. 해선망 어업에 대한 역사적 고찰
IV. 해선망어업의 조업실태
V. 어획물의 생산ㆍ가공ㆍ유통ㆍ소비
VI. 해선망 어업의 수익ㆍ비용 구조
VII. 맺는말