Recently, it becomes to necessary in generalization of recirculating aquaculture as increasing a shortage and pollution of water. Therefore this experiment was conducted to choosing the best effective filter media used for small scale aquaculture farms with 6 kinds of bio-media; plastic plate, nylon net, activated charcoal, wood charcoal, sand and shell plate. The best filter media was chose by removal effect of ammonia and stability of water qualities. As the elapsed days after add 1,000ppm of ammonium chloride, the efficiency of filter media was ordered wood charcoal, shell plate, activated charcoal, plastic plate, sand and nylon net by removal rate of ammonia. The effect of water temperature on removal effect of ammonia was showed the higher with the higher temperature. It was appeared that the effectiveness of 25℃ was higher 2~3 times than that of 10℃. Change of pH and DO during experimental periods were varied with filter media, but wood charcoal and shell plate were showed good recovery tendency rather than other media. From the these results it proposed that shell plate would be developing for the best effective filter media even though wood charcoal was showed the superior filtration efficiency because shell was more easily obtain and cheaper than wood charcoal.
I. 서론
II. 재료 및 방법
III. 결과
IV. 고찰
V. 요약
VI. 참고문헌