최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음

군산연안의 통합적 환경관리

Countermeasure for Integrated Environmental Management of Kunsan Coastal Area

  • 5

Countermeasure for water quality management of Kunsan coastal area is studied. It is founded that Kunsan coast is the most polluted coast among 16 western coasts of Korea. Seawater Quality of Kunsan coast is evaluated and compared using 5 year mean value in terms of COD, T-N and T-P. Kunsan coast showed highest value in every 3 parameters. It can be estimated that Kunsan coast is greatly influenced by terrestrial activities when evaluated with N/P ratio. Such a high N/P ratio means that Kunsan coast is very susceptible to eutrophication and phosphorus is limiting factor in eutrophication, Minimizing and controlling phosphorus discharge from the terrestrial region is thought to be key factor of successful management of seawater quality in Kunsan coast. To control the phosphorus loading from terrestrial region, efficient strategies for managing wastewater from livestock farm should be established because it is evident that major source of phosphorus loading is livestock farms. In order to find out the major parameter that determines the water quality of Kunsan coast, relative ratio of contributions were calculated. Kunsan city responsible for 11 ~ 15% in present seawater quality of Kunsan coast. Remaing 85~89% is comes from outside of Kunsan city. Thus, It is impossible to establish countermeasure for seawater quality management unless integrated counterplan is made for reducing pollutant loading from each watershed.


I. 서론

II. 현황

III. 군산연안 수질관리에 있어서 문제점

IV. 대책

V. 맺는 말

