최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음

한국산 등자개(Pseudobagrus fulvidraco)의 백혈구의 분류와 미세구조

Classification and Ultrastructural observation of Leucocytes in Korean bullhead fish(Pseudobagrus fulvidraco)

  • 15

Classification and ultrastructural observation of peripheral leucocytes in Korean bullhead fish(Pseudobagrus fulvidraco) were Performed. The leucocytes were classified into four types ofcells on the basis of their morphological, cytochemical and ultrastructural characteristics.Neutrophils were round and 7.5~12.5㎛ in diameter with round, oval or 2 segmented nucleus.Monocytes were round or irregular cells and 7.5~ 12.5 ㎛ in diameter with boan-shaped or irreularnucleus. Lymphocytes were round and 4.5-80 ㎛ in diameter with large round nucleus.Thrombocytes were oval or spindle shaped cells with oval or spindle nucleus. The cells withgreyish cytoplasm ranged 4 to 9 ㎛ in length and 2 to 4 ㎛ in width. Neutrophils showed positivereactions In peroxidase, PAS and ACP. Menocytes showed weekly positive reactions in ACP andPAS. Lymphocytes showed positive reactions in PAS and ACP. Thrombocytes showed positivereactions in PAS. In electron microscopic observation. nucleus of neutrophils could vary from roundto oval or horse-shoes-shaped. The cytoplasm contained azurophilic gamules, specific garnules,rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), mitocondria, vacuoles and glycogen. Most monocytes were ofthe same size as neutrophils, but their shape were often more irregular. The cytoplasm containedazurophilic garnules, RER, mitocondria, vacuoles and glycogen. The Iymphocytes with a large rounded or indented nucleus had scarce cytoplasm with a few mitocondria and RER. Most thrombocytes were of the same shape as nucleus. The cytoplasm contained a few mitocondria, azurophilic garnules and many vacuoles.As the results it is concluded that Peripherall leucocytes of Korean bullhead fish could beclassified as Iymphocytes, thrombocytes, neutroophils and monocytes.


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