Son, Chunseop, Lee, Geonhwan & Jo, Gyeongsun. 2003. A Study of the Aspects of Honorifics Usage by College Professors. The Sociolinguistic Jourrol. of Korea, 11(1). TIlls research aims to explore how honorifics usage is used by the faculty society based on sociolinguistic observations, and analyzes linguistic strategies of honorifics usage by the faculty society. The investigated group is professors who are worlring at the humanities college of a local natianal university. It was found that faculty members decide an honorific speech level acarding to age rather than status, but that professors usually preserve the use of honorifics for mutual respect. Although the most decisive factor in the honorific usage is age, seniority at the college, formality and intimacy also play important roles. Unguistic strategies adopted by the faculty society are for the following purposes: to show respect to the hearer, to receive compensation or inducement from the hearer, to mediate the mental distance between speaker and hearer, to dissolve disagreements of honorifics-deciding factors, to expose the speaker's authority, and to mediate situational changes. Through this study, we have reached the conclusion that the faculty society is influenced by various social factors and make many efforts to dissolve social distances and disagreements through linguistic strategies.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 대우법 실태
Ⅲ. 대우법 결정 요인과 언어 태도
Ⅳ. 전략적 사용 양상
Ⅴ. 맺음말