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KCI등재 학술저널

한국 신문의 외래어 지면 이름에 대한 언어학적 분석

  • 353

Lim, Gyu-hong. am, A Linguistic Analysis of Loanwords Used in Section Titles in Korean Newspapers (with Focus on Major DailieS). The sociolinguistic Jourml of Korea, 11(1). Newspapers are important mass mEdia with multiple functions criticizing and enIighlening the societY as well as providing information and setting norms for it. The language used in newspapers may create and reorganize the realities of life, influencing the formation of the readers' consciousness significantly, Thus the language used in newspapers can be said to have more influence on the societY than that in any other mass mEdia.Paying attention to it. this study anaIysed the loanwords used in the section titles of major Korean newspapers. On the whole, most newspapers in Korea use loanwords as section titles and write. them in English in many cases, The loanword usage rate is found higher in the order of 'Donga> Chosun> Joongang> Kyunghyang> Hankook> Hankyeoreh'. The number of using loanwords is found higher in the order of 'Chosun > Donga> Joongang> Kyunghyang> Hankook> Hankyeoreh'. The number of loanword section titles written in English spelling is found larger in the order of 'Chosun> Joongang> Donga> Kyunghyang> Hankook> Hankyeoreh'. Besides, it has been brought out that there are a number of loanwords strange to ordinary readers and complex words randomly made UP of loanwords in the Korean newspaper section titles.

Ⅰ. 들머리

Ⅱ. 신문과 신문 지면 이름의 언어적 기능

Ⅲ. 신문별 외래어 지면 이름 모습

Ⅳ. 신문 지면 이름에 쓰인 외래어 조어 분석

Ⅴ. 마무리

