최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

목우자 지눌의 선풍과 고려후기 조선초 불교계의 고승들 - 수선사계 고승들의 사법관계와 그 선풍을 중심으로

  • 406

This study aims to trace activities of seon(or zen) monks the religious asociations ; Sooseonsa(修禪社 結社) in the latter period of Koryo Dynasty and the early Choseon Dynasty. In consequence, Master Pojo Chinul opened a new schools of thouht in the Seon-Jong the most decisive point of his revival of Sean was the fanned of the Sama'dhi(meditation) and Prajna'(wisdom) Comunity. He formed a system of the gates (approaches)known as Pojo-seon so very meaningful. After Master Chinul Pojo-seon continued to be popular and supported by sixteen Kuksa(National Preceptor 國師) such Sakulsanmoon(사굴山門)'s masters ; Chingak Hyeshim(眞覺慧諶)ㆍCheonjin Monyeo(淸眞蒙如)ㆍChinmyeong Honwan(眞明混元)ㆍ Wongam Choongji(圓鑑沖止)ㆍHyegam Manhang(惠鑑萬恒)ㆍGakgin Pokgoo(覺眞復丘). The popularity of Pojo-sean has continued right up until the present day. After the latter part of Koryo Dynasty Pojo-sean continuned the main sreams centered around different masters. They were Gajisanmoon(迦智山門)’s masters : Pogak Iryeon(普覺一然)ㆍPogam Hongoo(寶鑑混丘,), Even though they were related to Pojo-seon, tried to spread tradition Sean. For instance, Seonwonsa(禪源社) temple was the second temple of Suseonsa(修禪社 or Songgwangsa temple). It was a significant temple that was appointed the resident head preist of Suseonsa(修禪社) Temple. And It was recepted Meng-Shan Te -I(蒙山德異)'s thought of seon that was formed Kan hua seon (看話禪) in the Korean Buddhism, who was Manhang(萬恒)ㆍSeolbong Chonggam(雪峯沖鑑). Meng-Shan Te -I(蒙山德異)'s thought of Zen(禪) exerted an influence in the development of the ideas of the tree Masters. During the reign of King Kongmin in the latter period, they were three main master: Master Taego Powoo(太古普愚)ㆍMaster Naong Hyeguen(懶翁惠勤)ㆍMaster Paekwoon Kyeonghan(白澐景閑). Their disciples was appointed the resident head preist of Suseonsa(修禪社) Temple such Mohak Jacho(無學自超)ㆍGobong Pyepjang(高峯法藏) ; Naong's disciples. Also were Hwanam Honsoo(幻庵混修)ㆍNamjeon Poomok(南田夫目) ㆍSeokGyng(釋宏)ㆍShang Chong(尙聰) ; Powoo's disciples. They leaded to Buddhism in the latter period of Koryo Dynasty andthe early Choseon Dynasty.

I. 머리말

II. 지눌과 수선사의 선풍

III. 목우자 선풍과 여말선초 불교계

IV. 맺음말

