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KCI등재 학술저널

天台撰『六妙法門』의 禪定體系와 思想的 淵源 探索

  • 92

I have anaIysed the system of meditation of 『六妙法門』which was written by Turn Tai, Great Zen master of Sui Dynasty, in relation with its whole composition and thought system. This book is consisted of 10 chapter and I summarized the peculiarity of each chapter. The system of thought is divided into four kinds of enlightenment, and This enlightenment looks like status quo of transition period before his 三種止觀法 has not completed yet. 三種止觀法 corresponds with 次第(by degrees), 不定(indefiniteness), 圓頓(sudden)止觀, If 次第止觀 was already fanned with 次第禪門, 不定止觀 was also formed with『六妙法門』of this research object and 圓頓止觀 was completed with 摩訶止觀, There is possibility of talking sudden enlightenment of『六妙法門』as form of transition period. From the two branch viewpoint, I approached its origin of thought. In the first place, I pay attention to which buddhist sutras and sasutras did 『六妙法門』 referred to and I try to use the text which was formed before completion of 『六妙法門』as subsidiary material. In result we know that the influence of 『Mahaprajnaparamitasutra』,『Mahaprajnaparamitasastra』,『Saddharmapundarikasutratra』,『Avatamsakasutra』in 『六妙法門』 Secondly, I paid attention to 『六妙法門』in relation with traditional Chinese thought, especially Taoism, and analysed its concrete content. In result, we know that the ascetic method of Taoism has influence on 25 Method of 『次第法門』 and the ascetic method of 『六妙法門』and Taoism's Thouths of Keep One(守一思想) also gave an effect to Tain Tai's 'one-mind' or 'one-dharma' thought. It is certain that the former had influence on the latter. Because the influx and the fixation of new culture, and the collision and conflict of new culture and old culture are the precursor of new thought's birth, Taoism in 『六妙法門』is necessary fact that indian buddhism become chinese buddhism. Simultaneously It is necessary condition to complete chinese system of ascetic exercises. I think that the system of Tian Tae's thought couldn't came to being existence without the system of chinese traditional thought.

I. 서언

II.『육묘법문』의 선정체계

III.『육묘법문』의 사상적 연원 탐색

IV. 맺는 말

