최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음

선박기적음의 위치검출에 관한 기초연구

A Basic Study on Position Detecting System using Vessel Whistle Blast

  • 8

The recent development of marine technology has resulted in the appearance of huge vessel, causing marine casualties to increase. Marine casualties such as collision, stranding, sinking and fire, have born exorbitant economic loss and environment pollution. In particular, about 30% of the collision has happened in navigation under the foggy weather. In this study, it is designed to develop Vessel Detecting System that is able to measure range and relative bearing by utilizing the whistle blast when another vessel's presence cannot be identified on the radar screen under foggy weather. Three Microphone Sensors receive the whistle blast and when one sensor is a criterion, the rest sensors have time delay for receiving signal by reason of sensor interval. It is able to measure the target position on 2 plane by considering these amount of time delays between sensors and the geometrical relation of sensors array and source. Also this system allows the fishing boats not equipped the radar to perceive the approaching vessel sounding the fog siganl, and it can be utilized as alert system when lookout is impossible owing to fishing works. Therefore, this system shall be able to reduce the casualty of fishing boats which have been recording a high marine casualty rate at sea.


1. 서론

2. 계측원리

3. 실험계의 구성 및 실험결과

4. 결론

