최근 검색어 전체 삭제

Carbon-allotropes: synthesis methods, applications and future perspectives

Carbon-allotropes: synthesis methods, applications and future perspectives

The element carbon has been used as a source of energy for the past few hundred years, and now in this era of technology, carbon has played a significant and very prominent role in almost all fields of science and technology. So as an honour to this marvellous element, we humans should know about its various forms of existence. In this review article, we shed light on all possible carbon-allotropes; similarities in their synthesis techniques and the starting materials; their wide range of possible availability; and finally, future perspectives and applications. A brief introduction is given on the types, structures, and shapes of the allotropes of carbon for a better understanding.

1. Introduction 2. Synthesis Methods 3. Applications 4. Future Perspectives 5. Conclusion Acknowledgments References
