This study examined the cannibalistic polyphenism of larval salamander Hynobius leechii by the level of predation risk. Salamander eggs were collected from three regions (Mountain Inwang, Mountain Surak and Gwangju). Eggs were treated by three different risk conditions: (1) high risk, predation risk three times a day; (2) medium risk, predation risk once a day; and (3) low risk, no predation risk. Predation risk was conducted using a chemical cue from Chinese minnows. The chemical cue treatment started from the day of collection and ended one week after hatching. Post-treatment measurements were head width at the level of the eyes (HWE), largest head width (LHW), and Snout-vent length of the each larva. To compare the morphological change according to the predation risk, we modified the two head size, HWE and LHW, to HWE/LHW. A significant difference in HWE/LHW and snout-vent length was evident according to the level of predation risk. And larval mortality was increase by the predation risk. The results indicate that predation risk can cause cannibalistic polyphenism of larval salamander and this morphological change could influence larval mortality.
1. Introduction 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 3. RESULTS 4. DISCUSSION References