최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Mechanism for Bank Erosion and Local Scouring in Estuary of the Hangang River

Mechanism for Bank Erosion and Local Scouring in Estuary of the Hangang River

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The levee and bridge pier in estuary of the Hangang River are exposed in a dangerous condition due to bank erosion and local scouring occurred since the summer season in 2011. At first, it is presumed that the high sandbar formed in river channel of the study area was an important element in the occurrence of bank erosion and local scouring. It can be presumed that the record-breaking depth of freezing due to cold wave for the long term during the winter season between 2010 and 2011 as well as the heavy intensive rainfall of 2011 had a decisive effect on the first damage of A section. The second damage of B section mainly occurred around the bridge pier constructed on the high water channel before it was washed away during the winter season between 2011 and 2012. It is considered that the second damage was caused by ice formation and ice floes.

1. Introduction 2. Study Area and the Damage Status of River Structure 3. Climate Change and River Course Characteristics 4. Conclusion : process of bank erosion and local scouring References
