최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Evaluation on the environmental effects of rain garden treating roof stormwater runoff

Evaluation on the environmental effects of rain garden treating roof stormwater runoff

  • 6

In this research, the environmental effects of rain garden when applied to a stormwater runoff originated from a rooftop were evaluated. The rain garden that was utilized as LID represents less than 1% of the catchment area that it drains. Storm event monitoring was conducted from March 2012 to August 2014 on a total of 19 storm events. In the 19 storm events that was monitored only 32% produced an outflow which has a mean rainfall characteristic of approximately 25 mm. With the application of rain garden, hydrologic improvement was observed as the facility exhibit a delay and reduction in the production of runoff and peak flows as the rainfall progresses. Furthermore, in terms of pollutant reduction, it was observe that the rain garden showed a generally satisfactory performance in reducing pollutants. In addition to this, the rain garden also has additional attributes that adds to the aesthetic appeal of the surrounding environment as well as in the lives of the people. The findings of this research will help in the further improvement and reinforcement of LID designs.

1. Introduction

2. Materials and method

3. Results and Discussion

4. Conclusion


