Private Security Regulation: A Comparative Study of South Korea and Mongolia
Private Security Regulation: A Comparative Study of South Korea and Mongolia
- 한국보안관리학회(구:한국경호경비학회)
- 시큐리티연구
- 한국경호경비학회지 제47호
- : KCI등재
- 2016.06
- 139 - 165 (27 pages)
In Mongolia, the regulation related to the private security industry, the Law on Contracted Private Security Services, was legislated relatively recently. The Law on Contracted Private Security Services was enacted into law in Mongolia 16 years ago, in 2000. This regulation has undergone two amendments since its inception. However, new revisions still need to be made to ensure that this regulation is in line with internationally accepted standards and practices. This paper compares the existing private security regulations of South Korea and Mongolia. The purpose of this comparative study was to identify the weaknesses of and problems in the Mongolian regulation and propose amendments to the Mongolian regulation. The comparative study of the two countries’ regulations showed and underscored an imperative need to make further amendments to the Law on Contracted Private Security Services. Specifically, the weaknesses of and problems in the Mongolian regulation at issue include the following: the level of accuracy in defining certain legal terms and providing the proper names for various regulations; stipulations which set forth the procedure for registering a private security company; provisions regarding operating a private security company; the details of eligibility and accountability requirements concerning chief executives and security service officers; and the scope of work provisions. This study proposes constructive amendments to strengthen the Law on Contracted Private Security Services.
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Current Conditions of Private Security Industry in Mongolia
Ⅲ. Legislations Governing Private Security in South Korea
Ⅳ. Legislations Governing Private Security in South Mongolia
Ⅴ. Comparison of Private Security Regulations of South Korea and Mongolia
Ⅵ. Conclusions and Recommendations