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KCI등재 학술저널

The three most significant contributions of criminological theories to our theoretical understanding of criminal behavior made since 1985

The three most significant contributions of criminological theories to our theoretical understanding of criminal behavior made since 1985

  • 7

It is important to identify and discuss what the most vial contributions of criminological theories. In the field of criminology, most significant contributions or advancement have been made on the various issues such as age, the integration of structural and procedural level theories, other theoretical integration debates. However, it is hard to find ant systematic study exploring such a contribution in criminological theories. This study, therefore, has a purpose to discuss three most significant contributions to our theoretical understanding of criminal behavior made since 1985. To accomplish the study purpose, this study choose the followed three theoretical contributions; the emergence of life course theory, the revision of social disorganization theory, and the introduction of social structure and social Learning (SSSL) model. The three theoretical works will be introduced and discussed regarding other theoretical integration trends in the body of this study. The conclusion, contribution of this current study has been discussed in the last conclusion and discussion section.

Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Age, structural factors, and theoretical integration

Ⅲ. The three works of theoretical contributions of the

major contributions, age, structural factors, and

theoretical integration

Ⅳ. Conclusion and discussion

