Factors Related to the Home Teaching of English Language to Preschool aged Children: A Taiwanese Study
Factors Related to the Home Teaching of English Language to Preschool aged Children: A Taiwanese Study
- The Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association(환태평양유아교육연구학회)
- Asia-Pacific journal of research in early childhood education
- Vol.5 No.2
- 2011.07
- 27 - 48 (22 pages)
Issues surrounding the introduction of English as a foreign language (EFL) instruction to children during the early childhood period are subject to much debate. Official government policies may not always reflect actual parental practices. Little is known about the extent to which explicit EFL teaching by mothers occurs in the home context. This study investigated whether Taiwanese mothers of 3 to 6 year old children were teaching EFL to their children at home and the characteristics associated with this practice. A sample of 466 mothers of preschoolers completed a questionnaire identifying their home teaching practices and assessing their attitudes towards teaching EFL. Results indicated a positive trend towards home EFL teaching, with teaching mothers tending to be aged between 30-39 years, more highly educated and more confident about their own English abilities than those who were not teaching. The findings raise significant issues that can inform EFL teaching policy and practice during the early childhood years.