Taiwanese Mothers as Their Child’s First English Teacher: Issues and Challenges
Taiwanese Mothers as Their Child’s First English Teacher: Issues and Challenges
- The Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association(환태평양유아교육연구학회)
- Asia-Pacific journal of research in early childhood education
- Vol.7 No.3
- 2013.01
- 1 - 18 (18 pages)
In Taiwan, current policy encourages parents to participate fully in their children’s education and to regard themselves as their children’s first teacher. There is, however, little data about whether mothers do indeed perceive themselves as a “teacher” of English language and literacy to their pre-school-aged children in home contexts. Nor is it clear how they enact this role and responsibility during everyday interactions with their children. This study investigated Taiwanese mothers’ views about their role in their children’s English language learning. Six mothers of children aged three to six years participated in an extended semi-structured interview. While mothers used the term “teaching” to refer to their practices with their child, their views about appropriate practices and their perceived capability as a parent-teacher varied considerably. The findings contribute to our understanding of how mothers respond to, and are affected by, educational policies regarding English language learning in very young children.
Discussion and Conclusion