Mathematics using multiple senses: Developing finger gnosis with three- and four-year-olds in an era of multi-touch technologies
Mathematics using multiple senses: Developing finger gnosis with three- and four-year-olds in an era of multi-touch technologies
- The Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association(환태평양유아교육연구학회)
- Asia-Pacific journal of research in early childhood education
- Vol.9 No.3
- 2015.09
- 99 - 110 (12 pages)
In this paper, we explore a richer sense of finger gnosis (finger knowledge) with respect to three- and four-year-olds’ interactions with a novel iPad application (TouchCounts), focusing on their responses to an “inverse subitising” task. The direct and tactile nature of their engagement with TouchCounts leads to a striking shift from incrementing using the index finger to deployment of several fingers all-at-once (in a cardinal touch gesture) to achieve a given target number that is then spoken by the iPad. This form of finger representation differs from the more ordinally-based differentiation of fingers that is discussed in the psychology literature.