Financial regulation can be referred to "an authority puts limit in certain activities and enforces compliance in order to maintain market order in trade among financial institutes, producers of financial products, and financial customers. Changes of financial regulation systems in Korea have been accelerated mainly by the foreign exchange crisis, the global financial crisis and FTA(Free Trade Agreement between Korea and Unites States of America, KORUS). Especially, ‘market regulation establishment’ and ‘competition strengthening’ suggested by the IMF bail-out program are evaluated to be an important motivation behind reinforcing sound regulations in the Korean financial law system and improving unnecessary entry regulations and the ‘Iron Wall’ in each section. The biggest momentum of changes between the foreign exchange crisis in 1998 and the recent global financial crisis was the establishment of Financial Investment Services and Capital Market Act. Now, the financial regulation system has been facing a new trend of international agreement in regulation through the re-regulation trend since the global financial crisis and FTA. In the Banking Industry, entry and liquidation are regulated through an approval to protect depositors or investors. The Banking Act contains the requirements for approval of entry and liquidation. Ownership regulation was introduced to prevent banks from becoming a ‘piggy bank’ of industrial capital and to ban interest conflicts by major shareholders and illegal profits through moral hazards according to the result of interest conflicts. Banking business under business regulation is divided into original, incidental and concurrently running parts, and each business is expanded and changed following development of financial market. Prudential regulation with Basel Capital Accord can be found in Art. 2 Para. 1 Nr. 5 of the Banking Act and Art. 1-2 of the Enforcement decree. Basel Capital Accord II was introd
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Concept and Scope of Financial Regulation
1. Concept of Financial Regulation
2. Principle and Method of Financial Regulation
Ⅲ. Change of Financial Regulation System in Korea
1. Substructure Section
2. Bank
3. Securities and Investment
4. Insurance
5. Foreign Exchange
Ⅳ. History and Status of Banking Regulation
1. Entry and Liquidation Regulation
2. Ownership Regulation
3. Business Regulation
4. Financial Soundness and Liquidity Regulation
5. Interest Conflict Regulation
6. Personnel Regulation
Ⅴ. Changes of Financial Regulation Methods and New Regulation Issues