최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Museum and Its Relation to Political Power

Museum and Its Relation to Political Power

  • 4

This paper offers a preliminary critical analysis of the political significance of the Korean museums during the Japanese colonial era through an examination of: first, the original concept of public museum in the both of Korea and Japanese public. Second, the relationship between Social Darwinism and the other theories involved with the colonial policy. Third, the purpose and uses of museum with ethical concem and sociological perspective. The results of this analysis rnay be summarised as follows: First, the Japanese modernising movement of the nineteenth century misrecognised the role and purpose off the westem ‘public’ museum. This misinterpretation was, and transplanted onto the Korean soil. Second, Social Darwinism had become dominant in Japanese intellectual society and amongst the political leaders. These views were converted into were turned into the underpinning of colonial policies and theories such as assimilation, civilising mission and etc. Thirdly, through the archaeological survey, excavation and interpretation of objects occurred recontextualisation of Korean cultural history. Finally, illuminating by Bourdieu’s theory an epistemological domination of the colonist was represented through the museum practices. For the conclusion some of points are made which are: Comparison with the western countries the formation, purposes and uses of Korean museums were limited to only representing the progress of modern state. It can hardly be said the museums had functioned comprehensively as public entity. Social Darwinism was upholding the main colonial policy, thus the motivation of museum establishment could be understood in wider context. Although interpretation of objects should be neutralised, the contexts of museum objects were appropriated and deconstructed thus ethical concem should be raised in this point. People were appropriated and admitted thernselvesas the Japanese subject though the museum practice, this phenomenon was coincided with what Bo

Introduction Origins: towards the public museum Social Darwinism Conclusion References
