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KCI등재 학술저널

Museology, Ethnographic Museums and Intangible Heritage in Korea

Museology, Ethnographic Museums and Intangible Heritage in Korea

  • 12

It is certain that museology can contribute to develop museum works, to expand museum world, to promote museum business and to synthesize new trends of museum studies. For the purpose of eduinfotainment, a museum professional may concern with collection, appraisal, conservation, documentation, research, presentation, interpretation, communication, management and or services to the public. In the past, a museum did alienate intangible heritage. After coming out the ecomuseum in 1971, many ethnographic museums began to deal with both tangible material evidence and intangible non-material information. Even today many museums in Korea concem with only tangible materials such as original object, excavated fossil, natural specimen and so on. In the perspective of culture, ethnographic museums should deal with different tradition media such as oral, behavior and material, which should be presented in the museums for the better understanding cultural identity of a certain ethnic group. However, some museum professionals are interested in object only and their exhibitions are also designed as so-called ‘object-oriented’ or ‘aesthetic point of view'. Culture should be interpreted as so-called ‘community -oriented’ through ‘holistic approach'. In particular, intangible heritage should be presented and interpreted to the public in the inter-disciplinary or multi-disciplinary point of view. Without comparative and comprehensive understanding intangible heritage, no one can easily acknowledge cultural identity or cultural components among different ethnic groups or communities. Ethnographic museum workers should concem with not only ‘aesthetic point of view' but also ‘cultural point of view'. Through inter-disciplinary or multi-disciplinary and anthropological holistic approach, museum professionals can sincerely interpret cultural diversi마 and different ways of life at the level of audience’s eyes. In a museological point of view, it is very importa

Museology and Discourse of Its Disciplinary Identity Ethnographic Museums and Their Development in Korea Museums and Intangible Heritage in Korea References
