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KCI등재 학술저널

Museum Marketing for Fundraising

Museum Marketing for Fundraising

  • 14

In recent years, museums have changed from being predominantly custodial institutions to becoming increasingly focused on audience attention.o New emphasis is placed on museum -audience interactions and their relationship. The traditional definition of “museum as “a collection of the monuments of antiquiπ or of other objects interesting to the scholar and the man of science, arranged and displayed in accordance with scientific method" 2) is no longer understood in the museum sector. As the UK’ s Museum Association has interpreted, a museum is an institution which collects, documents, preseπes and interprets material evidence and associated information for the public benefitY πlis attitude is shifting st버 fu야ler with the validity of the Museum Association' s definition regularly coming under scrutiny.

Ⅰ. Introduction Ⅱ. Museum and Marketing 1 , General Concept of Marketing 2. Museum Marketing Ⅲ. Museums and Funding 1. British Museum and Funding 2. American Museum and Funding Ⅳ. Museum Marketing and Fundraising 1. Brand Marketing 2. Cause-related marketing Ⅴ. Case Studies 1. Tate Gallery 1) Re -Brand of Tate Gallery 2) Financial Report 2. The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation 1) Guggenheim and Thomas Krens 2) Financial Report Ⅵ. Disscusion and Conclusions Reference
