최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

The Educational Framework for Public Programmes of the National Museum of Mankind, Bhopal (IGRMS) , and of the National Folk Museum of Korea, Seoul (NFMK)

The Educational Framework for Public Programmes of the National Museum of Mankind, Bhopal (IGRMS) , and of the National Folk Museum of Korea, Seoul (NFMK)

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The educational framework of a museum establishes the direction of public programmes and reflects its commitment to offer unique learning opportunities for various target groups. It provides structure of resources, roles. responsibilities and initiatives. It reflects the complexity of le없피ng throu양1 objects in informal setting and the need for a fluid and evolving approach to learning in museums. It continually seeks to understand its audienæs and finds out new and better ways of learning. The educational framework grows from the mandate of a museum. It is the structure that defines the public faæ of the museum. It 밍lides the development and delivery of 떠1 public programmes and it provides the foundation for measures of success and accountab피ty in public programmes. Idea1ly, it should seek insight and information from four distinct but related fields of learning informa1 and non forma1 learning, learning theory, and instructiona1 design.

Ⅰ. Introduction Ⅱ. Informal and non formal Learning Ⅲ. Learning Theory 1. Discovery Learning 2. Constructivist Learning Ⅳ. Instructional Design Ⅴ. Analysis, Comparison and Suggestions References
