만llS paper w피 explore the significance of the Korean diplomatic envoys to Japan in 17 - 19C. It will provide examples of cultural exchange, with particular attention to the impact on the cultural lives of both countries. The theme of this presentation is that what was ori밍nally intended for political purposes became a venue of cultural exchange that was beneficial to both countries. 8inæ time immemorial ru1ers in Korean peninsula and Japanese islets have maintained veη close relations. Most of the time, the relations were peaæ띠. It was immensely beneficial to Japan that the Korean peninsula served a rela끼ng role in transmitting advanæd continental civilization, and this trend continued until Japan φened i잉 doorto Western countries and beg.뻐 i않 modernization in late 19th æntury. From this point on, the trend reversed and western civilization was introduæd to Korea via Japan.