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KCI등재 학술저널

Museum Exhibition and Museum Technology : The Emergency of Modern Exhibition Design Techniques

Museum Exhibition and Museum Technology : The Emergency of Modern Exhibition Design Techniques

  • 16

Since the mid-1980s. electronic media have assumed an ever greater presence in museums of science. technology. natural history and art. For the most part. museum directors and curators have embraced new interactive technologies for their promise to democratize knowledge. to offer contextual information on exhibits. and to boost museum 띠sits. Corporate sponsors and donors of museum technology are interested in new media for their own reasons; with their logos emblazoned on interactives kiosks and published gallery guides. corporations have been increasingly active in sponsoring shows. specific gallery spaces. or donating equipment.

Ⅰ. Introduction Ⅱ. The Emergency of Modern Exhibition Display Techniques 1. Conflict and Accommodation 2. New Paradigm for Museum Collections and Display 3. A Changing Attitude Toward Popular Techniques Ⅲ. Conclusion References
