In the year 2006 the UNESCO conducted a world-wide survey particularly in areas known for the traditional way of life specifically in the Asia-Pacific region to collect data on the dying traditions. The data bank on this aspect would reveal a large body of traditions in Asia both tangible and intangible are either dying or struggling for survival. In India. China. Korea and the countries of South-east Asia many a form of arts and crafts. traditions. customs. rites . rituals. songs . dances. performances. ceremonies. languages and dialects so on and so forth are fast on the wane. The change is inevitable in terms of social. cultural and economic development. It is part and parcel of human life and history. Yet certain value and finer sides of life needs continuity to sustain cultural identity. In this context the relevance of the heritage conservation has been accepted world over. The stipulations of the UNESCO Conventions on the Safeguard of Tangible and the Intangible Human Heritage' (2003) are a matter of great concern to the modern and traditional societies. ll In this context it may be mentioned that the tangible heritages have been well looked after in highly industrialized countries like Korea and Japan in East Asia. However. preservation of intangible heritage here needs some attention. National cultural identity inherent in ways of human life is represented by the tangible and the intangible elements that are subjected to change. However. the significance of the intangible heritage lies in the fact that it carry forward past to the present in a dynamic form.
Ⅰ. Introduction Ⅱ. Korean Worldvie Ⅲ. The Contour of Korean Sacred-Space References