최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

What Should We Preserve? What Should We Change? - Points in the Revision to the Museum Law -

What Should We Preserve? What Should We Change? - Points in the Revision to the Museum Law -

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Advancing globalization and the development of new communication technologies and transφ때on methods have transforrned the daily lives of the people, even their inner 띠nds. In other words, not only our material culture but our spiritual culture has been transforrned. At the time of the birth of the first museums in ]apan, they put top priority on collecting, protecting and preserving cultural artifacts scattered by the late nineteenth century anti-Buddhist movement, but eventually a museum building boom was triggered by the flourishing of regional cultures. However since the late nineteen-seventies, in the face of a growing demand for the perfection of the human mind, we tumed to emphasizing the operation of museums open to the public rather than closed museums, as we faced a demand that museums and art galleries become places for life-long learning. This means priority on the educational functions of museums. Today it is museum management that is the most irnportant issue. πl?s paper describes the revision to the Museum Law in ]apan, which has amended in 2008. 까le points in the revised Museum Law, background to the revision, museum registration system and ]apanese current situations are described.

Introduction Definition and Classification of Museums in Japan Founders and Operators of Museums Legislation Relating to Museums Classification Based on the Museum Law Process of Museum Registration Present Status of Museum Registration Definition of Curator Acquisition of Curator Qualifications (Certification) Present Status of Curators Museums related Institutions
