최근 검색어 전체 삭제

Study on Foreign Patron's Expectation & Perception towards Korean Cuisine

Study on Foreign Patron's Expectation & Perception towards Korean Cuisine

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The purpose of this study was to investigate foreign patrons' perception and expectation toward korean cuisine restaurant in Seoul. The subjects of this study were 120 foreign patrons. The subjects view value for money as being the top four most important restaurant expectation along with food quality, hygiene and cleanliness, taste of food. They had low expectations of Parking lot and low perception of good description of menu. And, expectation and perception of Korean cuisine restaurant's attributes have no difference by demographic profiles.

Ⅰ. Introduction Ⅱ. Literature Review 1. Definitions of service quality 2. Perception, Expectation and Evaluation of Service Quality Ⅲ. Research Design and Study Method 1. Hypothesis 2. Sample and Data 3. Measures 4. Patron's' Evaluation Factors of Restaurant Service Quality 18 Estimative Properties 5. Data analysis Ⅳ. Analysis and Finding 1. Reliability 2. Values for each attribute obtained through analysis 3. Perception of influential factors to dine at by Demographic profiles Ⅴ. Discussion and Conclusion REFERENCES Abstract
