최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

누정 현판의 심미사유 내원 고찰 -咸陽 花林洞 계곡의 樓亭을 중심으로-

  • 111

중국과 한국의 산과 들 그리고 물가 주변에 특이한 건축물들이 세워져 있다. 우리는 이를 일반적으로 樓亭이라 부르는데, 李奎報(1168-1241)는 누정의 위치와 구조에 따라 명칭을 더욱 세분하고 있다. 나무판자로 쌓은 것을 臺, 난간을 겹으로한 것을 榭, 집 위에 지은 것은 것을 樓, 툭 트여서 텅 빈 곳을 亭이라고 구체적으로 명칭을 붙이고 있다.

Pavilions are aesthetic buildings harmonized with the surrounding landscape in ancient and modern time and space. They have unique open structures that were sited a short distance from a main residence. Pavilions were constructed for the purpose of resting and cultivating of minds through communion with nature. They were also established to use as places for building human network among men of letters. Pavilions are seen in China and Korea. They are called as ‘Nujeong’ in Korea. Nujeongs are not only for resting, but also for aesthetic thinking of ancient Korean writers. They are generally designed to provide visitors with a space where they can rest physically as well as spiritually and stimulate their own imaginations. Phrases that are widely used on the signboards of Nujeongs are Huehuejeong(休休亭), Manhuejeong(萬休亭), Sigyoungjeong(息影亭), Nongwoljeong(弄月亭), Gunzijeong(君子亭), Geoyeonjeong(居然亭).

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 본론

Ⅲ. 결론
