왕몽王蒙은 중국 신시기 문학의 새 지평을 연 작가이며, 소설과 산문을 비롯하여 시 등 다양한 분야에서 많은 작품을 남겼다. 그러나 그의 작품은 대부분 장편과 중단편 소설 등과 같이 소설이 주를 이루며 성과 또한 가장 크다.
Wang Meng is a representative figure of the Chinese contemporary literature history. He authored many works including novels, essays and poems. His works are mainly long novels, mid and short novels, which are his main achievements. Accordingly, most studies on Wang Meng are about novels and there is almost no study on his poem. The aim of this study is to study topics of Wang Meng s poem with special reference to poems in Book 16 in 《Wang Meng Literature Collection》 published in 2003 by People s Literature Press. It is targeted to 170 new poems, 9 essay poems and 155 old poems excluding 12 translated poems. In addition, poems in his novels are also studied. Wang Meng s poems were published after writing Scar Novels and Reflection Novels after the Cultural Revolution. In other words, except for 3 poems in 1957 and 2 poems in 1962, all poems were composed after 1985. Thus, it was the period when work scope and rhetoric were diversified. Topics of the poem can be divided into 5 parts. First is self-reflection which is on awareness of marvelous logic of life. Second is human and life which is on life and living and human and emotion. Third is travel poem which is on his feeling on various regions of China and overseas. Fourth is natural expression, which is on beauty of nature, emotion and scenary of objects. Final is country and history which is on the trend and history of the country with various thoughts. Most of Wang Meng s poem is on the basic of real life. As such, he reflects himself after hard times and expresses the way of finding ego through various topics of poem, which shows diversity of thinking.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 자아성찰과 깨달음
Ⅲ. 인생과 사람
IV. 기행
V. 자연 표상
VI. 나라와 역사
VII. 결론