최근 검색어 전체 삭제

폐자동차 파쇄잔재물 소각시설에서의 에너지회수·사용률 산정에 관한 연구

A Study on Incineration Heat Energy Recovery in Incineration Facilities of Automobile Shredder Residue

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In Korea, Automobile Shredder Residue related act is ‘Act on Resource Circulation of Electrical and Electronic Equipment and Vehicles’ enacted and enforced in July 2007 and the target of waste vehicle recycle rate is 95%(within 10% of energy recovery rate) in 2015. In addition, in Article 2 clause 7 of the same act, it stipulates energy recovery facility should have over 60% of rate‘recovered energy quantity divided by input energy quantity’and it should use recovered energy bi itself or supply recovered energy to others. However, current energy recovery rate calculation method is based on production quantity only. Accordingly, in Korea, Article 3 clause 2“Calculation method of recovery·use rate of waste resources”of Enforcement Regulation on Wastes Control Act. in 2015. Therefore, in this research, I compared and reviewed energy generation quantity and valid use quantity of incineration facilities(12 facilities) of end-of-life automobile shredder residue by applying “Calculation method of recovery/use rate of waste resources”. From the result of analysis, it was analyzed that energy generation rate of facilities(12 facilities) incinerating Automobile Shredder Residue(ASR) was 64.5% (49.8% ~ 80.2%) in average and valid use rate was 31.3%(7.1% ~ 57.5%) in average. From the result of this calculation, ASR incinerating facilities have 33.2% of usable energy. And in order to raise energy recovery/use rate of wastes, various plans such as reduction of energy consumed during incinerating process, efficient operation of incinerating facility, improvement of efficiency of waste heat boiler and securing stable demand are needed.
