최근 검색어 전체 삭제

제지산업 폐기물 소각시설에서의 폐열회수를 통한 에너지활용 특성

A Study on Energy Utilization Characteristics of Energy Recovery in Waste Incineration Facilities of Paper Industry

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From the current social and economic system with‘mass production, mass consumption, mass disposal’ trend, it is limited to overcome confronted crisis of environment, resources and energy now. Therefore, it is urgent to switch to‘resource circulation society’which restrains occurrence of wastes during production, distribution, consumption and disposal stage, minimizes use of natural resources and energy by returning occurred wastes and rotatable resource into circulatory system of economic activities. In Korea, Basic Resource Circulation Law was enacted in May 2016, and it stipulates basic necessary items for creating sustainable resource circulation society by restraining occurrence of wastes and promoting circulation use and appropriate disposition of occurred wastes. In the same law, it classifies recycle method as material recycle(recovery of material, conversion of material) and energy recycle(recovery of energy), and instructs from reclamation of wastes to energy recovery through resource recovery and incineration disposal.
