최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

뚜레장애와 인간조직적합성 항원 (HLA)

Tourette’s Disorder and Histocompatibility Antigen

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The authors studied HLA o f 73 T ourette’s dosorder (T D ) patients They all met DSM-III-R criteria of Tourette’s disorder. The total patients were divided into two groups, one with positive family history and the other with negative family history. The form er included those patients with family histories of the one or m ore tic disorders and obsessive compulsive disorder (O C D ) (all were 31), and the latter included patients without any histories of tic disorders, OCD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and obsessive compulsive charcter taits(all w ere 29). T h e norm al control gro u p com posed o f 291 healthy living unrelated kidney donors o f both sex. HLA typings were done modified Tersaki(Amos) method. The frequenciess of HLA were com pared with chi-square test and p value was corrected by multiplying the num ber of the tested antigens to avoid the Type 1 error. H LA -A ll(p<0.05),HLA-A26( 10) (p<0.005) were increased in frequency in total T ourette’s disorder patient group when com pared to norm al controls. HLA-A24(9)(p<C0.01),HLA-B13 (p<C0.05)were decreased in total Tourette’s patients when com pared to the norm al control group. H LA-B16(p<0.05) and H LA-DR4(p<0.000) were found to be increased in negative family history group and HLA-Cwl (p < 0 .0 5 ) were decreased when each of them were com pared to norm al control group. But all the findings were insignificant when p value was corrected

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