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KCI등재 학술저널

지문에 융선해리가 있는 남자 정신분열병 환자의 임상적 특성에 관한 연구

A Study of the Clinical Characteristics of the Male Schizophrenics with the Digital Ridge Dissociation

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The authors exam ined the digital ridge dissociations in order to test the hypothosis that it m ay differeniated the subtypes of the schizophrenia. The sam ple was 227 schizophrenic male patients w ho met the diagnostic criteria of DSM-III-R. The patients with the history of traum a o r disease which can affect the derm atoglyphics were excluded. In the ‘ridge dissociation’ ,the ridges are broken up into short ridges which tend to be curved and are com pletely disorganized. The patient who has at least one o f such findings in his fingers was judged as having ‘ridge dissociation’ , and finally we judged 45(16.2%) patients having ‘ridge dissociation’ . W e com pared four clinical features (e.g., age, age o f onset, m onth of the birth, family history of the schizophrenia) between the group of patients with and without the ridge dissciation. As a result, we found statistically significant differences in the m onth o f the birth and age o f onset between the two groups. The patients who were born in M ay and NovemberCe.g., the turning points o f the seasons) show m uch more ridge dissociations than those who were born in other m onths(x2 = 17.40, d .f = l, p<0.001). These m onths of the birth showed a great explanatory effect to the ridge dissociations in logistic regression analysis(x2= 17.07, p < 0 .0 0 l). T he m ean age o f onset o f the group with ridge dissociation was significantly older than that o f the group w ithout the ridge dissociations(t-value= _2.21, d.f. = 227, p < 0 . 05). The rate o f the family history in both groups showed no statistical difference. W ith the above results, we can assum e th at the ridge dissociation may play a role as a possible biological m arker which can differentiate the subtypes of the schizophrenia. A nd we could not exclude the possibility that this group o f the schizophrenic patients may be related with the intra-uterine viral infections as etiology.

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