최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

정신병환자 가족의 걱정에 관한 조사

Family’s Burden of Psychotic in-Patimt

  • 8

O pinions about the family burden o f psychotic in-patient were collected from 207 caretakers of psychotic in-patient adm itted to the Seoul N ational M ental H ospital from D ecem ber 1989 to February 1990 through individual inform al interview. Each respondent was asked to varbalize initially all the worries concerning the patients, and their care and then to choose two serious worries am ong them. Form these opinions, the authors tried to identify the family burden o f psychotic in-patient and the relevance between family burden and dem ographic variables, and to discuss the issues arising from this investigation. T h r results were as follows ; 1) The caretakers’ worries could be classified into six areas. “The future and outcom e” o f the patient was the m ost frequent worrying area, being 64.3 %. The worry about “Fam ily” was 45.4^ ; “C are and support” ,42.5% ; “M ental health support”, 14.5% ; “Sham e and stigma”, 12.6% ; “N eighborhood”, 4.8%. 2) The parents worried m uch more about “The future and outcom e” of the patient whereas the spouse and the siblings worried more about “Fam ily” and the offsprings worried about “N eighborhood”, especially. T he caretakers w ho inhabit in the m etropolis worried more about “C are and support” and worried especially about “care and responsibility” am ong the “Care and support” area while the caretakers in the other areas worried m ore about “N eighborhood” and worried especially about “financial burden” am ong the “C are and support” area. The caretakers of the famale patient worried m ore about “everyday life o f patient” am ong “The future and outcom e area” . The higher the education level o f the caretakers, the m ore they w orried about “future of patient” am ong “T he future and outcom e” area and “influence on offspring” am ong the “Fam ily” area. M ale caretakers worried more about “drug” while female caretakers worried m ore about “policy and institution” am ong the “M ental health support area” . There were three problem s regarding family’s burden of psychotic in-patient • C aretaker’s loading in all areas ; C aretakers devastated em otion by the long-standing burden I A lack o f helpers. Finally, Realistic ways o f supporting caretaker s problem s were suggested.

서 론

연구자료 및 방법

조 사 결 과

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결 론


