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KCI등재 학술저널

看護師의 精神科 諮問에 대한 見解

Non-psychiatric Nurses’ Opinions about Psychiatric Consultation

The attitudes o f 140 non-psychiatric nurses in a general university hospital towards psychiatric consultation were studied using a questionnaire. T he results were as follows ; 1) N urses felt th at 15.5% of the m edical inpatients had significant psychiatric problem s, but they considered that psychiatric consultation was indicated for only 92%. 2) O pinions on the occasion o f requesting a psychiatric consultation from the nurses, view-point appeared as ‘immediately when psychiatric problem is found’ (37.8깠 ), ‘on serious problem, but try to handle minor one by myself,(38.7%), and ‘only if I can’ t deal with the problem ’ ( 2 1 .8 0 . 3) M ost com m on reasons or situation that w ould need psychiatric consultation were reported as follows * overt psychiatric symptoms(76.4% ) ,risk o f suicide or suicidal behaviors (51.4% ), previous psychiatric history(31.4% ), sym ptom s suggesting psychoses(26.4%), and diagnostic uncertainty(20.0 % ). 4) O nly 43.7% of nurses were satisfied with current psychiatric consultation, however their satisfaction with individual aspects o f psychiatric consultation(quality o f answers to questions, help in understanding the symtoms, and contribution to the patient care) appeared high (ranging from 71.1 % to 79.3%). 5) 65.2^ o f nurses acknowledged the need o f post-graduate training on the psychiatric aspects o f patient care and, in addition, they w ant more follow-up work and open com m unications for practical guide from the psychiatric consultation service.


研究對象 및 方法

糸吉 果


糸吉 言옮


