The authors studied the elderly who could not be correctly diagnosed by the M MSEK only. They were all 60 years of age or older and were from three sources * psychiatric in- and out-patients clinic o f a university hospital, family m em bers o f psychiatric patients, and the institutionalized persons. T he im portant study findings are sum m arized as follows ; 1) A bout 19% o f the total subjects could not be diagnosed by the M M SE-K only regarding dem entia, and the proportions o f the undiagnosed were not significantly different am ong the three groups. Also the difference between sexes was not significant. 2) Am ong the undiagnosed by the MMSE-K, 61.5% of the males and 12.2% of the females met the criteria o f D SM -III-R dementia. 3) D em entia(34.3<%) and m ajor d ep ressio n (2 8 .6 ^) outnum bered other psychiatric diagnoses in the group of hospital psychiatric patients, and M M SE-K scores were sim ilar am ong the elderly with a variety o f psychiatric diagnoses.
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