최근 검색어 전체 삭제
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KCI등재 학술저널

한국형 알콜 중독 선별검사 제작을 위한 예비연구(III)

The Preliminary Study of the Korean Alcoholism Screening Test (III)

  • 98

The anthors obtained N A S T (l) com posed o f 12 items by elaborating or integrating the 12 selected item s o f the prelim inary study I & I I ,and by adding new items. By applying it to 59 alcoholics and 60 norm al controls, the authors got the following results. 1. Com pletion o f the Alcoholism Screening Test o f Seoul N ational M ental hospital I (N A ST). Its 12 item are, 1) easily gets in a state self-pity, and try to resolve it by alcohol. 2) prefers drinking alone. 3) drinks in the morning. 4) com pelling desire to drink continuously. 5) nearly im possible to resist the im pulse to drink. 6) recently, am nesic about the events during drunken state (at least 2 tim es during the last 6 m onths). 7) feel that drinking has been harm ful to interpersonal relationship and/or social life. 8) because of drinking, m arked dam age to occupational functioning. 9) because of drinking, spouse(or protector) has left or threatens to leave. 10) w hen out o f alcohol, experiences sweating, han d trem ors, anxiety, frustration or insom nia. 11) w hen out o f alcohol, has had delirium trem ens, severe shaking, and heard voices or seen things that w eren’ t there. 12) has had treatm ent for drinking related problem s. 2. If the num ber o f items answered “yes” is above 4, or its weighted score sum is above 11, it’ s justifiable to com m it to the D rug and Alcohol Treatm ent W ard in Seoul N ational M ental Hospital, and the possibility o f being diagnosed as alcoholic becomes very high.

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