This study was designed for evaluation of brainstem in schizophrenics with auditory hallucination. We investigated the BAEP on 14 schizophrenics with auditory hallucination, 12 schizophrenics without auditory hallucination and 15 normal controls. The results were as follows ; 1) Schizophrenics with auditory hallucination had a trend of more abnormal BAEP than schizophrenics without auditory hallucination(P<0.06) 2) The severer auditory hallucination in schizophrenics was, the more frequent abnormal BAEP showed. 3) Schizophrenics with abnormal BAEP and with normal BAEP had no differences of age, sex, psychopathology, doses of neuroleptics, onset age and genetic loading. 4) In total schizophrenics, V amplitude was significantly lower and I/V amplitude ratio was significantly higher than in normal controls(P〈0.01). This findings suggest that schizophrenics with auditory hallucination may have brainstem dysfunction, which may induce auditory hallucination.
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