최근 검색어 전체 삭제
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KCI등재 학술저널

항정신병약물로 유발된 추체외로증상에 대한 Amantadine과 Benztropine의 효과비교

A Double-Blind Study of Amantadine Sulfate versus Benztropine Mesylate in Antipsychotic Drug-induced Extrapyramidal Symptoms

Clinically anticholinergic antiparkinsonian drugs are the most commonly used medication in drug induced extrapyramidal symptoms treatment, and amantadine, a drug developed as an antiviral agent, also is known to be effective in drug induced extrapyramidal symptoms. A double blind cross-over study was performed to compare the effect between amantadine and benztropine on drug induced extrapyramidal symptoms. The subjects was 32 female schizophrenic patients who developed extrapyramidal symptoms after discontinuing antiparkinsonian drug medication. The procedure was proceeded for a period of 5 weeks using DiM ascio extrapyramidal symptom rating scale and Simpson & Angus extrspyramidal symptom rating scale. The results are as followings ; 1) Both amantadine and benztropine had significant effect on extrapyramidal symptoms and no difference in effectiveness was found between the two drugs. 2) Amantadine and Benztropine were effective in extrapyramidal symptoms from the 1st and 3rd day except for dystonia. 3) Both drug were effective in dystonia, but did not show the significant effect on dystonia as far as duration of use is concerned.

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