This study is to investigate the opinions of supervisees on the individual supervision of psychotherapy. The subjects of the study are 3rd-year psychiatric residents working for the training hospitals all over the country in 1989 and psychiatric specialists certified in the same year. 112 persons, whose addresses were identified, were included in the study. The data for the investigation were collected from July 18 to October 28 in 1989 by means of a questionnaire sent by post. Among the 50 respondents, there were 28 psychiatric residents and 22 psychiatric specialists. We analyzed the content of the questionnaire. Results are as follows ; 1) Among the respondents, the proportion of psychiatrists practicing psychotherapy is 70% in this study. This is lower than that from the previous study by the authors which was carried out on psychiatric residents working for Seoul National University Hospital and psychiatric specialists trained in the same university hospital. But It is higher than 58% derived from the other domestic study. 2) Conditions to be a good supervisor preferred by supervisees are ‘age of fifties’ and ‘great experience’ . The opinion that the sexual difference of supervisors is not important is somewhat more common than the opinion that men are preferred to women as supervisors. 3) The advantage of having more than one supervisor simultaneously is ‘varieties of instructions^ and ‘being more neutral and objective’ ,and there are a lot of more positive responses. 4) The supervisees favor once per week as the ideal frequency of supervision and an hour per session as the ideal time. A standard for how to choose a case to be discussed in the supervision is to feel difficulty in treating patients. In the supervision, most of supervisees expect help from supervisors and have curiosity for learning, and some of them become tense or anxious. Most of them favor the 2nd-year residency as a good period for beginning supervision and believe that the individual supervision of psychotherapy is needed even after the residency training. 5) Most of supervisees favor 4-6 months as the ideal duration of supervision by one supervisor, but they want the supervision to be deeper and more analytic. Supervisees are usually satisfied with the psychotherapy supervision even though they often get angry with their supervisors. Considering these contradicting attitudes we are concerned that they are somewhat confused in understanding the nature of supervision. 6) The most appropriate method of the case presentation in supervision is verbatim-method and the best place for supervision is the personal office of a supervisor. 7) M ost of the supervisees believe that the personal intimacy and good matching between supervisors and supervisees have a great effect on supervision. All of them expressed need to choose their supervisors freely for themselves, but they are skeptical about the practicality of the idea. 8) In the previous study by the authors, psychiatric residents tended to accept the opinions o f supervisors more frequently than psychiatric specialists did when they had different ones, and the subjects of this study have a similar tendency to the psychiatric residents. Besides this, most of supervisees imitate their supervisors more or less. 9) Among important learnings from supervisors, supervisees choose ‘therapeutic attitudes to deal with patients’ and ‘to know their own problems’ . They believe that the most desirable improvement in supervision is to get deeper and more enthusiastic supervision.
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