The Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire (TPQ) was administered to 453 Korean college students to provide the reliability and validity for the use of the questionnaire in Korea and examine the structure and the dimensions. The results were as follows ; 1)51 items were selected on factor analysis and 4 subfactor emerged only in harm avoidance dimension. 2) Each alpha coefficient reliability was .48(H A ),.07(R D ),.15(NS). 3) Each test-retest reliability was .72(H A), .66(R D ), .70(NS). 4) The 28 HA items yielded mean of 12.5(S.D. : 3.5), the 9 RD items mean of 4.7(S.D. * 1. 4) and the 14 NS items mean of 14(S.D. * 2.2). Each dimension score did not differ across sex
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