The author reviews the definition, concepts and some theoretical considerations of empathy. He discusses empathy as a curative factor and reports a psychotherapy case as an example of the empathic understanding of the nuclear emotion. He also compares empathy as a curative factor in psychotherapy with jen ( 仁) and compassion in eastern thought. Empathizing with the patient is the therapist’ s major function in most forms of psychotherapy. The extent to which empathy is felt to contribute to the curative process also varies according to the different schools. Self psychologists believe empathy provides a growth-promoting experience that had been lacking in an individual’ s childhood. Traditional therapists, on the other hand, consider it a stepping-stone on the road to insight * here the curative factor is felt to be an enriched understanding of oneself. These points of view are not mutually exclusive. The author describe how the therapists could fully empathize with the patients. All patients are emotionally frozen. They are uneasy to be. So the best therapists are to let the patients be free with their feeling, thought, action or anything. The therapists just bring the patients spring, then they will grow with their own strength.
서 론
공감의 語源 및 定義
共感의 概念과 理論
治癒要因으로서의 공감
東洋思想과 공감
事 例
결 론