The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of haloperidol on the hyperactivity and hyperaggression which are characteristics of animals reared isolated. In this experiment, the A/J strain of mouse was used as subjects. Animals were weaned at the 21± ldays after birth, and reared for 60 days in isolation from peer group. Aggression and activity response were measured under the treatment of haloperidol. The index of activities was the number of square traversed in the open-field. The index of aggression was the tail rattling response to the stimulating animal. The results obtained were as follow; 1) Haloperidol (2.5mg/kg) treatment group showed significantly less activity than saline group. 2) Haloperidol (2.5mg/kg) group showed signigicantly less aggression than saline group. According to this findings, it is suggested that haloperidol which lowers the level of catecholamine in brain is effective in the treatment of hyperactivity and hyperaggression of the mouse reared in isolation.
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실 험 성 적
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