A single stage random cluster sampling was conducted and 1,450 samples were selected from Kangwha Island. A psychiatric epidemiologic survey was done using Korean version of NIMH-Diagnostic Intervies Schedule. Sociodemographic characteristics, natural course, and frequencies of DIS alcoholic symptoms were compared among alcohol dependence, alcohol abuse and non-alcoholic groups. The results were as follows ; 1) In comparison of sociodemographic characteristics between alcohol dependence and alcohol abuse group, marital status and age distribution showed significant differences but there were no significant differences in sex and occupation between two groupS. 2) There were no significant differences in mean age of first heavy drinking episode and onset of symptoms in alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence group. 3) Mean duration of alcohol use disorder was significantly different between alcohol dependence and alcohol abuse group(l3.5± 12.2 years and 9.2± 10.8 years). And it was also significantly different between male alcohol dependence and male alcohol abuse group(l3.1± 11.9 years and 9.2士 10.7 years). 4) The latency period of alcolol use disorder in alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence group were 7.0士 10.3 years and 8.7士 10.1 years in each, which was not significantly different and in comparison of latency period in only male, there was no significant difference between two groups(7.3士 10.4 years and 9.5± 9.4 years). 5) In comparison of frequencies of alcoholic symptoms between alcohol dependence and alcohol abuse group, frequencies of symtpoms such as ’ think oneself as a excessive drinker’ , ’ bender at least two days’ , ’ continue to drink even with serious physical illness’ were significantly higher in alcohol dependence group. 6) In comparison of prevalence of medical complications between alcohol dependence and alcohol abuse group, prevalence of peripheral neuropathy, stomach disease, liver disease and memory impairment were significantly higher in alcohol dependence group.
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