As a part of Kangwha M ental Health Project, a psychiatric epidemiologic survery was conducted in 1985 using the Korean version of NIMH-Diagnostic Interview Schedule III A. The authors reanalyzed the data so that the prevalence rates of depression and somatization disorder and frequencies of depression and somatization symptoms were compared among alcohol dependence, alcohol abuse and non-alcoholic males. The results were as follows ; 1) Although there were, no significant differences in the prevalence rates of major depression ,dysthymic disorder, and somatization disorder among male alcohol abuse, alcohol dependence and non-alcoholic group, the prevalence rates were slightly higher in both alcohol use disorder groups compared to non-alcoholic group. 2) Frequencies of depression symptoms such as depressive mood more than 2 weeks, insomnia and slowed thinking were significantly higher in both alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence group compared to non-alcoholic group, but frequencies of symptoms such as depressive mood more than 2 years, recurrent thoughts of death, wishes to be dead, suicidal ideation and suicidal attem pt were significantly higher in alcohol dependence group compared to both alcohol abuse and non-alcoholic group. 3) In alcohol dependence group, the frequencies of somatization symptoms such as vomiting spells, blurred vision, deafness, trouble walking, paralysis or musle veakness, palpitation, weakness, difficulty swallwing and inability to work were significantly higher compared to non-alcoholic group, and frequencies of symptoms such as abdominal pain, loss of voice and anesthesia on extrim ities w ere significantly higher compared to non-alcoholic group as well as alcohol abuse group. 4) M ean score of somatization symptoms were significantly higher in alcohol dependence group compared to alcohol abuse and non-alcoholic group, but that of depression symptoms w ere significantly higher in both alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence groups compared to non-alcoholic group.