This study was attempted to clarify sociopsychiatric characteristics according to the class of psychoactive substances which were classified into 8 groups such an methamphetamin, cocaine, inhalants (bond/gas), dextromethorphan ( Romilar??), sedatives, marijuana, analgesics and etc. The data of the study were collected from 134 psychoactive substance abusers(89men, 45 women), who had admitted to SNMH during past 5 years. The results were as follows •’ 1) The mean age of patients was 26.5 ± 9.6 years and according to the class of psychoactive substance, inhalant and dextromethorphan abusers were significantly younger than sedatives and analgesics abusers(P<C0.0l). 2) 43.1% of patients were grown up in broken family until puberty and 27.9 쩟 of married patients showed unstable marital state such as a divorce or seperation. 3) 41.4% of patients had past history of delinquent behavior and especially, inhalants and dextromethorphan abusers had more past history of delinquent behavior than sedatives and analgesics abusers(P<C0.0l). 4) The main motive of initiation of psychoactive substance was peer pressure, relief of physical symptoms, curiosity in that order. 75% of inhalants abusers were initiated by peer pressure, but most of sedatives and analygesics abusers used it for the purpose of relieving of physical symptoms, and methamphetamine abusers used it mainly due to peer pressure or for the purpose of increasing sexual plesure(P<0.01). 5) 57.5 ^ of patients reported the experience of unwanted response such as unpleasant hallucinatory state, loss of control, and psychotic state after use of psychoactive substances. Especially the unwanted response was reported more frequently in methamphetamin and inhalants abusers. 6) 38.5% of patients abused more than two classes of psychoactive substances, and their significant combination types were not found but inhalant-dextromethorphan, analygesics-sedatives and methamphetamine-marijuana combination types were relatively common.
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