The purpose of the study was to examine the changes in the EEG pattern among 91 adolescent psychiatric inpatients aged from 12 to 21 years using the topographic mapping of the computer assisted EEG. The results of the study were as follows • 1) Topographic maturation in each spectral bands, delta band in 12〜 15years of age group showed diffuse pattern and occipital dominant patterns, while the other age groups showed frontal and centroparietal dominant patterns. Theta band showed mainly centroparietal dominant pattern in all age groups. Both alphal and alpha2 bands showed occipital dominant patterns in all age groups, and this trend was most prominant in 12〜 15years of age group. 2) Equivalent potentials of delta and theta bands decreased with increase of age over all cortical areas, particulary between the groups of 12〜 15years of age and 16〜 17years of age. 3) Equivalent potentials showed minimal asymm etry in every spectral range. Over occipital area, all bands were predominant on the right in all age groups. 4) In analysis of topography about the EEG maturation of adolescent psychiatric inpatient, the most critical period was around 16years of age.
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