The authors studied the change of lymphocyte subsets in depressed patients in order to see the relationship between depression and altered immunity. We have compared 25 depressed patients and 15 hospitalized surgical patients with 20 of normal control group. In comparing the depressed patients with the normal control group, the depressed patients showed reduced num ber of total lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes, but not much difference was found in the percentage of T-lymphocytes. The amount of T-suppressor cells was reduced, and as a result, the T 4/T8(Th/Ts) ratio increased. The percentage of B-lymphocytes increased, but there was little change in number. The total num ber of lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes of the hospitalized surgical patients decreased when compared with the normal control group. The T4/T8 ratio, on the other hand, increased, and so did the B-lymphocyte percentage. When the depressed patients were compared with the hospitalized surgical patients, there was no difference. As was shown in the result of the study, there were some changes in immunity, but it was hard to define the type of change. Further basic immunological studies including more detailed immunological and endocrinological tests, considering the factors affecting the illness, are needed in order to define the relationship between depression and immunity.
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