최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

단측대뇌손상에 의한 인지와 정서장애

Cognitive and Emotional Disturbances in Patients with Lateralized

  • 5

The cognitive and emotional disturbances of the patients with lateralized cerebral dysfunction were investigated with the Korean Wechsler Intelligence Scale (KWIS) and Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory(MMPl). 194 male patients were evaluated, who are 70 of the left sided, 74 of the right-sided cerebral dysfunction, and 50 of the neurotic controls. The results were as follows * The study 1 aimed to test a hypothesis that left cerebral dysfunction would affect the KWIS Verbal Scale. By the ANOVA and Duncan test, Verbal IQ variable were identified to characterize between the left and the non-left cerebral dysfunction(p〈0.05). The result supports the present hypothesis. The study 2 aimed to test a hypothesis that right cerbral dysfunction would affect the KWIS Performance Scale. By the ANOVA and Duncan test, Performance IQ variable were identified to characterize between the right cerebral dysfunction and neurotic controls (p〈0.05). The result support the present hypothesis. The study 3 aimed to test a hypothesis that left cerebral dysfunction would affect the MMPI thought disturbance. By ANOVA and the Duncan test, F, Pa, and Sc variables were identified to characterized between the left cerebral dysfunction and neurotic controls(p<0.05). The result suggest the schizophrenic-like thought disturbance by the left cerebral dysfunction. The study 4 aimed to test a hypothesis that right cerebral dysfunction would affect the MMPI emotional disturbance. By the ANOVA and Duncan test, the result does not support the present hypothesis, but suggests the hysteric-like neurotic emotional disturbance. The two discriminant functions of the KWIS and MMPI among 3 groups were extracted by each of 3 group characteristics in the variables. The discrimination results of multivariate discriminant function analysis were : the corrected predictly percentage for the left-sided patients were 6 8 .6% , the right-sided 56.8% and the neurotic controls 7 0 .0% . The discriminant functions proved considerable discriminant powers.

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